Monday, February 24, 2014

Depression and Gender

On the one hand, the Depression could have empowering effects on women, such as how they could take on more leadership roles in the family and new careers. But, this sense of empowerment was also deemed as a major threat to those who were bearing the brunt of the depression. So, what, in your mind, made women stand out in this time? Note a handful of the documents from the reading to highlight your discussion.


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  2. According to the reading, it was clear that women were once working and having jobs, but as the Depression went worse and worse, more and more women were unemployed and they had to go home and do housework, especially married women, they also needed to bear their children and take care of other family members (parents, brothers, sisters...) and it seems unfair because men were taking more jobs than women and the market was lack of women labor. I definitely can't imagine "America without working women". It was true that the society seemed men more valuable than women, but it was also true that women had the ability to take care of more men. Family work and the need of housework made women stood out in the Great Depression.
